
Read the latest insights and analysis from the experts at Oil Change International.

Paris Proposes Ban on All Internal Combustion Cars by 2030

Officials in Paris have announced they plan to banish all gasoline and diesel cars by 2030

Vive la France!

The International Energy Agency’s New Climate Scenario: At Last, a Step Towards Paris

Today the IEA finally released an energy forecast that aims for a greater chance of avoiding climate catastrophe. It is crucial that the IEA now retire its outdated 450 Scenario, and instead focus on how to keep warming well below 2ºC and aim for 1.5ºC.

Memo to Justin: No More Bromances, Please

Donald Trump supports almost none of those things Justin Trudeau claims to. So it's a big problem when they actually seem to agree on one issue – building massive new tar sands pipelines like Keystone XL.

UK Set to Frack in National Parks

When he concluded his speech at the start of the recent UN climate change summit in Paris, the British Prime Minister, David Cameron said: “Instead of making excuses tomorrow to our children and grandchildren, we should be taking action against climate change today.”

Week 2 of COP21: Will Ministers make liars of their bosses?

The question at COP21 in Paris this week boils down to this: Will Ministers make liars of their Heads of State? We'll know in just a few short days.

A win win situation: time to #StopFundingFossils and live up to climate finance promises

Negotiators and delegates arriving at the conference centre this morning were greeted by a giant dinosaur, dozens of international youth, and a clear message: Stop Funding Fossils, the Clock Starts Now!

GOP Climate Denial Puts “Future of Civilization at Risk”

Obama may be talking the climate change talk in Paris, but back home the Republican Party (GOP) is doing everything in its power to make sure there is no deal.