
Read the latest insights and analysis from the experts at Oil Change International.

Subsidy Spotlight: Utah Land Defenders Stand Up To Dirty Politics

New technologies like fracking––along with government subsidies––have ushered in an energy boom reliant on extreme extraction methods to produce oil and natural gas. Now the Uinta Basin is ground zero for what threatens to become the next phase in extreme energy extraction: strip mining for tar sands and oil shale.

Subsidy Spotlight: Paying the Price of Tar Sands Expansion

From tar sands refinery subsidies in Whiting, Indiana and cash-strapped Detroit to petcoke covering the neighborhoods of Southeast Chicago, this subsidy spotlight explores the human impact of government subsidies gone haywire.

Subsidy Spotlight: Paid to Pollute and Poison

The BP gulf oil spill may not have happened without government subsidies. In fact, at least two major subsidies were used both before and after the explosion of the Deepwater Horizon to support BP.