
Read the latest insights and analysis from the experts at Oil Change International.

Bad Data and Deception: The American Petroleum Institute Pivots on Methane

A detailed analysis by Oil Change International of the public statements and commitments by the American Petroleum Institute (API) around methane emissions and climate change has uncovered a decade of spurious data, deceptive messaging, and disingenuous public positioning by the big oil spin doctors.

As yet another hurricane pummels Nicaragua, Trump rushes to sell off ANWR

Trump seems determined to try and push his rabid fossil fuel agenda through to his last day in office. Until the dying breath of his Presidency, he will do the bidding of Big Oil.

Dark money wins as Senate Judiciary Committee votes for Amy Coney Barrett

Just as we have seen dark money fund climate denial and undermine climate discourse, it now seems to be undermining American justice, too.

After a Decades-Long Battle, Congress Votes to Open ANWR to Oil Drilling

Yesterday, the decades-old struggle over what is America’s last wilderness area, the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR), was reopened when Congress voted to open the Refuge to oil drilling.

Bad News Piles Up for TransCanada Over Keystone XL Pipeline

As millions celebrate Thanksgiving, the bosses at TransCanada will not be in a cheerful, festive mood. They will be wondering what went wrong over the last week, after they seem to have snatched defeat from the jaws of victory.

EPA Silences Its Own Scientists and Scrubs Climate Change From Its Website

Later today, three scientists from the Environmental Protection Agency were due to speak at a conference on climate change in Rhode Island. They have been banned by their boss, the leading climate denier, Scott Pruitt, from speaking.

Oil Market Facts Expose Trump’s Empty Keystone Rhetoric

A look at today's oil market exposes the hollow rhetoric surrounding the Keystone XL project. The project would exacerbate a supply glut at Cushing and is clearly not needed.

Trump team botches celebration of years-old dirty Exxon plans

Trump’s botched celebration of Exxon comes while the President’s team works to dismantle environmental policies and institutions that were put in place to protect communities like those along the fence-lines of refineries and manufacturing plants in the Gulf Coast.