
Read the latest insights and analysis from the experts at Oil Change International.

IEA’s first 1.5°C model closes the door on new fossil fuel extraction

The IEA has consistently boosted new oil and gas development. Now it's backing up the global call to stop the expansion of fossil fuel extraction.

IEA report misses the mark on ‘Sustainable Recovery’ by sidelining 1.5°C

If the IEA is serious about helping governments sustainably tackle interlocking economic and climate crises, they have one more chance to prove it with their data: by making a 1.5-aligned energy pathway central to the 2020 World Energy Outlook.

To advise on green stimulus, the IEA needs to upgrade its own climate toolbox

A toolbox isn’t very helpful if even the best tool in it only gets you halfway to the repair you need to make. As the IEA prepares a special report on economic recovery, it must close its own climate credibility gap.

Putting clean energy stimulus at the heart of IEA analysis?

People all over the world are facing unprecedented crises from COVID-19. These tragic impacts will be the deepest in the world’s most vulnerable communities, regions and countries. IEA director Dr. Fatih Birol has urged governments worldwide to place clean energy at the heart of stimulus. Here Dr. Birol is right - but making this clean energy call count with real ambition is critical if the IEA wants to shake its reputation as a shill for the fossil fuel sector.  

Business leaders, investors, and experts to IEA: Align with Paris and help us plan for success

Today, over 40 business leaders, investors, and energy experts found remarkable alignment around demanding more from the IEA. In a letter covered by the Financial Times, a broad collection of signatories called on the IEA to develop a truly Paris-aligned scenario.