
Read the latest insights and analysis from the experts at Oil Change International.

Shell Suffers Mishap in “Doomed” Arctic Drilling Campaign

Shell’s comedy of errors that is its Arctic drilling campaign never ceases to amaze. You would have thought the oil giant would have learned from its disastrous attempt three years ago when one of its drilling rigs, the Kulluk, ran aground. Another one, the Noble Discoverer, had a near mishap, too.

Why the FT is Wrong Over the Arctic

If the oil giant Shell has learnt anything over the last few weeks, it is that it has few friends in its quest to drill in the Arctic.

#ShellNo! Reflections on Two Weeks of Action.

Despite receiving approval from the Obama Administration to drill in the Arctic, Shell's ambitions have been thrown into question by everyday people no longer standing idle while Big Oil tramples over local officials, ignores scientists, and propels our planet further towards the climate cliff.

Re-Wiring Shell’s Brain

As I write, Shell’s AGM is underway in the Dutch city of the Hague, where the company is facing intense criticism about its strategy to address climate change, its highly risky Arctic drilling and its carbon-intensive tar sands operations.

The Arctic is Shell’s New Corporate Crisis

Twenty years ago, the oil giant Shell was plunged into a corporate crisis after it was internationally criticised for trying to dump the redundant Brent Spar oil platform in the North Sea and for being complicit in the murder of the acclaimed Nigerian activist, Ken Saro-Wiwa.