
Read the latest insights and analysis from the experts at Oil Change International.

Frackwater: The latest fragrance from Jerry Brown

A new video parody, entitled “Frack Water”, portrays a Jerry Brown look-alike outside a southern California oil field accompanied by a California oil industry representative. It's the latest escalation in Oil Change International's "Big Oil Brown" campaign, pushing the governor to impose a ban on fracking for oil and gas in California.

Activists Criticise “Misguided” Chevron Court Ruling

Indigenous rights groups yesterday reacted angrily yesterday to what they labelled as a “misguided judgement” by a New York District Court Judge, Lewis Kaplan, who ruled that lawyers representing Amazonian Indians had used “corrupt means” and “fraud” to win a legal case against Chevron in Ecuador.

“Moscow has its thumb on our economic throat”

As the West scrambles for a diplomatic solution to the crisis in Crimea, they know that as they try and negotiate with Russian President, Vladimir Putin, he holds one of the aces in the pack: Russian gas supplies to the west.

Hundreds of Students Arrested in “XL Dissent” Action

Yesterday, several hundred students from over 80 colleges across the United States were arrested outside the White House as they took part in “XL Dissent” - a major demonstration against the controversial Keystone XL pipeline.

New Tests Ordered on Crude by Rail

US regulators reacted to the string of recent crude by rail accidents yesterday by ordering that companies shipping crude out of North Dakota's Bakken fracking fields must undertake extensive testing for signs of dangerous volatility.

Will Scotland’s Oil Become A Stranded Asset?

In the increasingly bitter political wrangling over Scottish independence, yesterday was the turn of the future of North Sea oil to take centre stage in the debate.

Tar Sands Tailing Ponds “Are Leaking”

For years there has been growing evidence that toxic chemicals from Alberta's vast tar sands tailings ponds were leaching into groundwater and the nearby Athabasca River. The tailing ponds now cover a huge area – some 176 square kilometres – and given their size it is hardly surprising that some seepage may be occurring.

How BP’s Oil Damaged Fish

The fallout from the BP's Deepwater Horizon oil spill continues. The oil giant is attempting to force the US government to release evidence which BP says proves that the oil spill did much less damage than at first feared.

Half UK Population Links Flooding to Climate Change

More and more people in the UK believe that the severe flooding which has affected large swathes of Southern England from the Somerset levels in the west to the affluent towns and villages in the Thames valley near London, are the result of climate change.

Climate change is “world’s largest weapon of mass destruction”

For once the words of a politician were extremely bold and clear. The warning was brutally stark. In a keynote speech on climate change in Indonesia, Secretary of State, John Kerry, likened global warming to a weapon of mass destruction and dismissed climate sceptics as members of the “Flat Earth Society”.