
Read the latest insights and analysis from the experts at Oil Change International.

Scientific Evidence Against Fracking is Not “Irrational”

The British Prime Minister, David Cameron, yesterday dismissed critics of fracking as “irrational”, arguing that their opposition is based on a “religious” hostility to fossil fuels.

Another Day, Another Crude by Rail Accident

Another day and yet another crude oil train derails in North America, highlighting the growing risk of carrying crude by rail.

Hundreds of Fracking Complaints in Four States

An investigation by the Associated Press has found that, in at least four major fracking states, there have been hundreds of complaints from local residents.

Murkowski’s call for crude exports is climate change denial, raw deal for fracked communities

Senator Lisa Murkowski has put U.S. crude oil exports front and center of her policy agenda today. The debate on crude oil exports, like that on natural gas (LNG) and coal exports, should be about climate change.

Scientific Research Reveals Fracking is Bad for Babies

It maybe early in a new year, but already new research has been published which raises serious health concerns about fracking. What is most worrying about this research is that it shows that the controversial drilling technique could be impacting the most-at-risk in our society: new born babies.

Scientists and Senators Concerned About U.S Undermining EU’s Climate Legislation

Leading scientists and American politicians are worried that the the US is trying to undermine the EU's landmark Fuel Quality Directive

Pro-fracking letter to Governor Brown has oily taste to it

The letter, with 21 signatories, suggests that fracking can be done safely with proper regulation, and that the economic benefits of fracking up California outweigh the inherent risks to the environment of the extraction practice. But even a very quick analysis of the signatories and the arguments they put forward will show another story. In short, this letter from scientists was made possible by the oil industry.

Jerry’s choice: drive into the future, or cling to the past

It’s time for Governor Brown to make a decision. He can be Big Oil Brown and move California down the road of fracking our communities and climate. Or he can say no to our dirty past, stop fracking, and move California towards a cleaner future.

Significant Victory Against Chevron in Ecuadorian Pollution Case

In the long and tortuous legal battle between indigenous communities in Ecuador against the oil giant Chevron, the plaintiffs scored a major victory yesterday in, of all places, Canada.

Big Oil Wins Big in Budget Deal

The oil and gas industry makes out particularly well in the budget deal, with the vast majority of its generous subsidies preserved under the new budget. Meanwhile, support for clean energy is on the chopping block.