Outrage as Obama Approves Shell’s Arctic Drilling Program
The Obama Administration seriously undermined its chances of a positive environmental legacy yesterday by giving approval to Shell’s highly controversial Arctic drilling program.
Read the latest insights and analysis from the experts at Oil Change International.
The Obama Administration seriously undermined its chances of a positive environmental legacy yesterday by giving approval to Shell’s highly controversial Arctic drilling program.
The groundswell of local opposition against Shell’s plans to drill in the Arctic continues to grow and will culminate this weekend in three days of protests and direct action.
From the minute it was exposed that Shell’s Arctic Drilling Fleet had been issued a permit to be based in Seattle, we knew it wouldn’t be that simple. And within days, concerned citizens had mobilized – and the organizing has paid off.
If they knew him at all, the world knew Oronto Douglas as the former attorney for the writer, playwright and Ogoni human rights activist Ken Saro Wiwa.
Forget Shell's takeover of BG - it's time for Big Oil to plan for managed decline
Nigeria lost one of its most iconic, out-spoken and passionate advocates for social and environmental justice last week with the cruelly early death of Oronto Douglas at the age of forty eight.
The Obama administration’s inconsistent approach to climate change was laid bare again last night after the US Interior Department reconfirmed Shell’s controversial lease sale in the Chukchi Sea off Alaska.
In a sign that the oil price plunge is really beginning to bite, yesterday oil giant Royal Dutch Shell announced that the company is indefinitely postponing plans to develop a new tar sands mine in northern Alberta.