
Read the latest insights and analysis from the experts at Oil Change International.

Arkansas: Exxon’s latest spill and spin zone

Arkansas has become the latest scene of an Exxon oil spill, and the subsequent spin attempts to side-step blame. The truth tells a different story.

Exxon’s Paper Towel Clean Up

Footage from activists shows Exxon's incompetent clean up in response to its spill in Arkansas.

Fracking is Killing Solar Investment

German company Bosch, which owns a solar division, has blamed fracking for hurting demand for clean energy.

As Russia Fracks, Poland Outlaws Anti-Fracking Protest

As Russia gears up for its own fracking revolution, Poland is set to effectively outlaw anti-fracking dissent.

Toxic and Tax Exempt

Two Spills in Two Days

New Amazon Oil Threat

On the same day that Peru declares a State of Emergency over oil pollution in the Amazon, the Ecuadorians offer 3 million hectares of pristine forest to the Chinese to explore for oil.

LNG tanker.

40% of US Frack Gas Could be Exported

Over 40 per cent of the entire US marketed gas production could be exported, if all the LNG applications go ahead.

“An oil spill is ‘the sound of silence’”

First nations in British Colombia use the 24th Anniversary of the Exxon Valdez spill to warn against tar sands and shipping oil via tankers.

The Tar Sands Refugees

At least six families have left their homes in the last two years due to air pollution from tar sands operations in Alberta, including from heated bitumen tanks giving off noxious fumes.