
Read the latest insights and analysis from the experts at Oil Change International.

The Billionaire Against Big Oil

Billionaire Tom Steyer argues that Keystone XL “has become the defining issue in the climate change fight of our times".

Is Oil One Reason For Genocide of Rohingya in Burma?

Human rights campaigners are warning that further ethnic cleansing in Burma, which is being exacerbated by land clearances due the Shwe Oil Gas pipeline, could be imminent.

Pro-Keystone XL Senate bill follows pattern of following the oil money

Once again, a group of Senators, spearheaded by Hoeven and Baucus, has released a new bill to push for approval of the Keystone XL pipeline. And, following the clear pattern set by their colleagues, the co-sponsors of this new bill have enjoyed massive contributions from the fossil fuel industry.

The Madness of Exploiting Methane Hydrates

We are now willingly exploiting a new resource of carbon, knowing it will lead to climate chaos.

The Biofuels Backlash

There is a growing backlash on both sides of the Atlantic against biofuels

1/3 of UK Ministers Linked to Big Oil and Finance

On both sides of the Atlantic, politicians are intricately linked to the oil industry.

Chevron’s Political Donation Was “Illegal”, Alleges Complaint

Oil Change International has joined Public Citizen, Friends of the Earth, and Greenpeace in filing a legal complaint against Chevron arguing that a political donation it made during the 2012 election violated long-standing anti-corruption rules.

Derailing the Tar Sands Train Idea

The State Department missed the main point about the anti-KXL campaign – which is not about either pipeline or shipping oil by rail, road or tanker – it is about keeping the tar sands in the ground.