
Read the latest insights and analysis from the experts at Oil Change International.

KXL: “Reject and Protect” Protest Begins

This week a unique gathering will take place in Washington which people are urged to participate in to show their opposition to the controversial Keystone XL pipeline.

Industry Paying “Lip Service” to Crude by Rail Safety

An influential Senator yesterday accused oil companies of prevaricating over providing data to American regulators about the safety of crude by rail trains.

Thousands Attend Californian Anti-Fracking Rally

They came in their thousands from across the Sunshine State. On Saturday, the largest anti-fracking rally and protest in California's history took place in the state capital of Sacramento.

Hundreds of Students Arrested in “XL Dissent” Action

Yesterday, several hundred students from over 80 colleges across the United States were arrested outside the White House as they took part in “XL Dissent” - a major demonstration against the controversial Keystone XL pipeline.

Climate change is “world’s largest weapon of mass destruction”

For once the words of a politician were extremely bold and clear. The warning was brutally stark. In a keynote speech on climate change in Indonesia, Secretary of State, John Kerry, likened global warming to a weapon of mass destruction and dismissed climate sceptics as members of the “Flat Earth Society”.

KXL “Contractor Controversy” About to “Get Heated”

When the State Department’s long-awaited Final Environmental Impact Statement into the controversial Keystone XL (KXL) pipeline was published last week, it was met with dismay from the environmental community.

The Slow Death of King Coal

Slowly but surely the concept of “stranded assets” is taking hold and dirty coal looks likely to take the first big hit from a huge Norwegian pension fund.

State Review of KXL “Fundamentally Flawed”

Two prominent Congressmen, Representative Henry Waxman and Senator Sheldon Whitehouse yesterday called on the State Department to correct “significant mistakes” in its draft evaluation of the environmental impact of the Keystone XL pipeline.