Read the latest insights and analysis from the experts at Oil Change International.
Canada’s “Sewer Salesman” Heads to Europe
One of Canada’s most senior politicians is back in Europe on yet another lobby tour to try and bully politicians there to ditch their landmark climate legislation as it discriminates against the dirty tar sands.
EPA: tar sands “significantly more intensive than other crudes”
The EPA slams the State Department review of Keystone XL pipeline, arguing that, from a climate perspective, “oil sands crude is significantly more GHG intensive than other crudes, and therefore has potentially large impacts.”
Don’t Believe in Tar Sands Magic Fairies
One of Canada’s most famous scientists has launched a scathing attack on the country’s politicians, claiming that labelling the tar sands as environmentally harmless is “lies”.
Redford Versus Redford Over KXL
Forget Kramer versus Kramer, the new battle worthy of a motion picture is the increasing bitter spat of Redford Versus Redford over the tar sands.
The Tar Sands Refugees
At least six families have left their homes in the last two years due to air pollution from tar sands operations in Alberta, including from heated bitumen tanks giving off noxious fumes.
The Billionaire Against Big Oil
Billionaire Tom Steyer argues that Keystone XL “has become the defining issue in the climate change fight of our times".
Derailing the Tar Sands Train Idea
The State Department missed the main point about the anti-KXL campaign – which is not about either pipeline or shipping oil by rail, road or tanker – it is about keeping the tar sands in the ground.
The Missing Tar Sands Monitoring Data
A year after the the Canadians launched a monitoring programme for the tar sands, no data has been released.
Tar Sands Directly Hurting “Brand Canada”
Recently released documents reveal that the Canadians are worried that the tar sands have become a “totemic issue, hitting directly on Brand Canada”.