
Read the latest insights and analysis from the experts at Oil Change International.

Days after COP climate summit ends, Shell relocates HQ to London

On Monday, Shell said it was relocating its headquarters to the UK. The move certainly seems to be about tax, but also could Shell be preventing further climate cases in the Dutch courts and putting pressure on the UK Government to approve the controversial Cambo oil field?

Finally a fitting memorial to the Ogoni 9: The Beyond Oil and Gas Alliance

Tomorrow at COP26 there will be the formal launch of the Beyond Oil and Gas Alliance, or BOGA for short. Twenty six years is too long waiting for a permanent memorial to the Ogoni 9, that can be both commemorated and celebrated. But maybe BOGA is that memorial. The first international alliance to keep oil in the ground.

Half of world’s fossil fuel assets could become stranded by mid 2030s

Scientists are warning that “large quantities of fossil fuel reserves and resources are likely to become ‘unburnable’ or stranded if countries around the world implement climate policies effectively". And up to half the world's fossil fuel assets could be stranded by the mid 2030s

COP26: Civil society tells Biden to leave fossil fuels in the ground

President Biden has continued to approve fossil fuel expansion in recent months, while pointing to Congress to excuse the United States’ lack of climate ambition and espousing false solutions like carbon capture and “net zero” plans that perpetuate fossil fuel destruction and environmental racism.

Leading climate deniers rebrand but “lipstick on a pig is still obvious”

How can you keep saying the earth is not warming when quite clearly it is? How can you they continue denying the evidence of climate change when everyday there is growing evidence of our climate emergency, in record fires and floods. And so the climate deniers have had to shape shift again.

International precedent set as French Bank commits to exit from fossil fuels by 2030

La Banque Postale, which is a relatively small but progressive bank in France, has set an international precedent against oil and gas expansion. The bank, which was already committed to ensuring that its banking activities achieve net zero carbon emissions by 2040, announced a complete withdrawal from fossil fuels by the 2030. Will other banks now follow?