
Read the latest insights and analysis from the experts at Oil Change International.

“We are going to not allow Kinder Morgan to finish this pipeline”

As the clock ticks down until the May 31 deadline over the controversial Kinder Morgan Trans Mountain pipeline project, which will triple the amount of tar sands being transported from Alberta to the British Columbian coast, the campaign against its expansion is spreading abroad.

BP: Oil Spill Clean-up Operations a “Welcome Boost to Local Economies”

You would have thought that having been responsible for the largest offshore oil spill in US history, the Deepwater Horizon, which spilled an estimated 4 million barrels of oil into the sea, and cost you $65 billion, that as a company you would see oil spills as something to be avoided.

Oil Spill in the East China Sea Is “Now the Size of Paris”

There are increasing environmental and health concerns in the East China Sea surrounding the oil spill from the Iranian registered tanker, the Sanchi, which sank on Monday carrying 136,000 tons, or one million barrels, of a highly flammable oil mix called condensate.

BP’s New Plans to Drill the Great Australian Bight Criticised

Despite growing international condemnation, oil giant BP seems intent on drilling in the highly sensitive Great Australian Bight off the country’s southern coast, which is home to one of the largest breeding populations of endangered southern right whales in the world.

Trans Mountain pipeline is “final harpoon” for endangered killer whales

At the beginning of last week, environmentalists celebrated when the largest energy infrastructure company in North America, Kinder Morgan, pulled the plug on its controversial natural gas pipeline which had been proposed through parts of Massachusetts and Southern New Hampshire, called NorthEast Energy Direct.

BP’s Bid to Drill the Australian Bight Rejected

In a major set-back for the oil giant, BP’s highly controversial application to drill in one of Australia’s last great wilderness areas, the Great Australian Bight, has been rejected for falling short of environmental standards.

30 Days to Save the Australian Bight From BP

Just as BP finally agrees to pay nearly $21 billion to settle claims relating to the disastrous Deepwater Horizon spill, the oil giant is proposing to drill four exploration wells in the Great Australian Bight, which threatens these pristine waters off the Southern coast of the country.

More Wildfowl Killed by Tar Sands

The debate about the tar sands often centres on the global impact the dirty fuel has on the climate, however, wildfowl is often the victim and only occasionally does it make news.