
Read the latest insights and analysis from the experts at Oil Change International.

Climate Leader or Coal Champion? Time for Germany to Decide

A new Oil Change International report shows that, if Germany is truly committed to being a leader in meeting the goals of the Paris Agreement, it must lead the way with a rapid phaseout of fossil fuel production and finance.

100% Renewable Energy Bill – A first foot forward

Today, Sens. Merkley (D-OR) and Sanders (I-VT) launched a bill that takes a huge step toward aligning government policy with what climate science tells us is necessary – a transition to a 100% carbon-free economy, as soon as possible.

The Sky’s Limit: Unpacking the Climate Math

Our research has found that the carbon budget will be exhausted with current development and some currently-operating fossil fuel projects will need to be retired early in order to have a good chance of staying below the 2C limit.

Time for Smaller Oil: Why Shell’s Takeover of BG goes in the Wrong Direction

Forget Shell's takeover of BG - it's time for Big Oil to plan for managed decline