
Read the latest insights and analysis from the experts at Oil Change International.

G20 Recovery Packages Benefit Fossil Fuels More Than Clean Energy

Decisions taken in response to the COVID-19 crisis today will lock in the world’s development patterns for decades. With policy decisions made on a daily basis, information about how public money is being spent can be hard to follow. That is why a consortium of 14 expert organizations came together to track energy-specific responses by G20 governments.

Pressure Mounts for IEA to Improve the World Energy Outlook

In case you missed it, yesterday the International Energy Agency released its hallmark report, World Energy Outlook (WEO) 2019. If the resultant press coverage and social media traffic was any indication, there are growing concerns over the inadequacy of the WEO.

The devil is in the details: the IEA begins to develop a 1.5 °C Scenario

For IEA scenario reform, the devil is in the details. The IEA must develop a 1.5°C scenario that is aligned with the goals of the Paris climate agreement and address the concerns of key WEO users. Anything less would be easy to discount as greenwashing or another example of the pro-fossil fuel bias at the IEA.

California administration’s opposition to drilling offshore should extend onshore too

As we approach the Global Climate Action Summit, hosted by Governor Brown later this year, the governor himself has an opportunity to show true leadership and announce new steps to limit fossil fuel extraction across the state. After all, the case for a managed phase out of fossil fuel production in California has now been clearly laid out by his own team.