
Read the latest insights and analysis from the experts at Oil Change International.

IEA ‘New Policy Scenario’ Promotes ‘Business As Usual’ In A Carbon-Constrained World

When it comes to making decisions on expensive and complex energy infrastructure, investors, governments, and companies look decades into the future. Unfortunately for action on climate change, the IEA's World Energy Outlook has a strong status quo bias.

Business leaders, investors, and experts to IEA: Align with Paris and help us plan for success

Today, over 40 business leaders, investors, and energy experts found remarkable alignment around demanding more from the IEA. In a letter covered by the Financial Times, a broad collection of signatories called on the IEA to develop a truly Paris-aligned scenario.

The IEA Comes Up Short on Climate (Again)

Today’s release of the World Energy Outlook (WEO) 2018 marked another missed opportunity for the International Energy Agency (IEA) to provide a roadmap to Paris success.

Explainer: IEA Scenarios and the Paris Goals

How the International Energy Agency's Sustainable Development Scenario doesn't match up to the Paris goals, and how the IEA can change it (2 years ago it nearly did!)

The International Energy Agency’s New Climate Scenario: At Last, a Step Towards Paris

Today the IEA finally released an energy forecast that aims for a greater chance of avoiding climate catastrophe. It is crucial that the IEA now retire its outdated 450 Scenario, and instead focus on how to keep warming well below 2ºC and aim for 1.5ºC.