
Read the latest insights and analysis from the experts at Oil Change International.

All Bust, No Boom

In a dramatic turn of events, it looks like all bust and no more boom for the Alberta tar sands, according to our recent analysis based on industry data. In reality, future rates of production will likely be insufficient to fill even one new pipeline.

Less PowerPoint. More Power.

After that paranoid, delusional babble in the Koch-sponsored Rose Garden last week, Trump has united and energized the global climate movement like never before. The critical question is this: How do we build more political power, and how do we win?

Due to KXL’s “Hefty Financial Risk”, Will it Ever be Built?

For those fighting the KXL pipeline, there are important lessons to learn from recent events. First that Trump is defeatible. The man who has made a career of being an Alpha-male bully in business is now finding the reality of politics very different.