
Read the latest insights and analysis from the experts at Oil Change International.

Canadian Scientist “Betrayed” Over Tar Sands

Mark Jaccard, one of Canada's leading energy economists, from British Colombia’s Simon Fraser University, has said that the Canadian government's campaign of aggression and name-calling over the tar sands is not winning it any respect. "I feel betrayed as a Canadian,” he says.

Canada’s “Sewer Salesman” Heads to Europe

One of Canada’s most senior politicians is back in Europe on yet another lobby tour to try and bully politicians there to ditch their landmark climate legislation as it discriminates against the dirty tar sands.

EU Sees KXL is an Export Pipeline

Officials from the European Commission see Keystone XL as an export pipeline from America to the EU.

Canadians Continue to Undermine EU Climate Effort

Two Albertan government ministers will be finishing their latest lobbying tours of Europe this week after a ten day PR push to undermine the EU’s flagship climate legislation, the Fuel Quality Directive.

Protesters Block Tar Sands Conference

The fourth annual Canada-EU Energy Summit was held yesterday in London at Canada House in London. The event was disrupted by protestors angered at Canada’s aggressive lobbying to undermine European legislation.

Tories “Dismantle” EU Offshore Safety Rules

A group of British MEPs, led by Conservative Vicky Ford, have been secretly trying to “dismantle” the EU's offshore oil and gas safety regulation