
Read the latest insights and analysis from the experts at Oil Change International.

It is time to break free of Africa’s dirty “fossil fuel trap”

Two prominent African environmentalists are pushing back against those advocating for more fossil fuel drilling on the continent. They argue that “far from generating prosperity and stability in sub-Saharan Africa, investments in fossil fuels cause real harm,” noting “Decades of fossil fuel development have failed to deliver energy to much of the continent" and "have deepened inequality, caused environmental damage, stoked corruption, and encouraged political repression.”

Days after COP climate summit ends, Shell relocates HQ to London

On Monday, Shell said it was relocating its headquarters to the UK. The move certainly seems to be about tax, but also could Shell be preventing further climate cases in the Dutch courts and putting pressure on the UK Government to approve the controversial Cambo oil field?

Shell gags British Museum in greenwashing sponsorship deal

Oil giant Shell continues to excel as a climate villain, happy to drive humanity beyond the limits of a liveable future. And now it has been caught "gagging" the British Museum in a major greenwashing sponsorship exhibition on climate change.