
Read the latest insights and analysis from the experts at Oil Change International.

Bad Data and Deception: The American Petroleum Institute Pivots on Methane

A detailed analysis by Oil Change International of the public statements and commitments by the American Petroleum Institute (API) around methane emissions and climate change has uncovered a decade of spurious data, deceptive messaging, and disingenuous public positioning by the big oil spin doctors.

Sharing my story to support the movement to #StopAAPIHate – Susanne Wong

My story is in no way exceptional. I hope that by sharing our stories, we invite other Asian Americans to share and be seen. We acknowledge the racism and harm that we have suffered. And we commit to supporting each other and working together with all Asian Americans, communities of color and allies to make our country, our movement and our communities more just.

It’s time to imagine a future without Shell

So can a company often vilified for being complicit in human rights abuses in Nigeria, accused of rampant pollution and ignoring the risks of climate change for decades, be central to the climate fight?