
Read the latest insights and analysis from the experts at Oil Change International.

Frackwater: The latest fragrance from Jerry Brown

A new video parody, entitled “Frack Water”, portrays a Jerry Brown look-alike outside a southern California oil field accompanied by a California oil industry representative. It's the latest escalation in Oil Change International's "Big Oil Brown" campaign, pushing the governor to impose a ban on fracking for oil and gas in California.

Drought emergency in California raises stakes on fracking fight

If the Governor were to be truly serious about protecting Californians struggling with the drought, he would put a halt to fracking in the state immediately.

Pro-fracking letter to Governor Brown has oily taste to it

The letter, with 21 signatories, suggests that fracking can be done safely with proper regulation, and that the economic benefits of fracking up California outweigh the inherent risks to the environment of the extraction practice. But even a very quick analysis of the signatories and the arguments they put forward will show another story. In short, this letter from scientists was made possible by the oil industry.

Jerry’s choice: drive into the future, or cling to the past

It’s time for Governor Brown to make a decision. He can be Big Oil Brown and move California down the road of fracking our communities and climate. Or he can say no to our dirty past, stop fracking, and move California towards a cleaner future.

Time to #UnFrackCal – Californians say no to fracking

Last night, dozens of concerned Californians descended on the Oakland convention center for a "scoping meeting" regarding the California Division of Oil, Gas, and Geothermal Resources "environmental impact report" process that is kicking off to study the impacts of fracking in the state.