
Read the latest insights and analysis from the experts at Oil Change International.

How UK Gov. Is Spinning Pro-Shale Science in the Media

As the UK’s fledgling shale industry lurches from crisis after crisis concerning public acceptability and causing repeated small earthquakes, the UK Government last month appointed what it termed an independent “Shale Gas Commissioner” whose job it is to listen to the concerns of local residents

Activists Unveil Giant “Crack” in British Museum in Anti-BP Protest

Oil giant BP’s controversial sponsorship of the British Museum was once again put under the spotlight over the weekend, when some 100 activists from the theatre group, “BP or not BP?” protested against the company’s current exhibition: "Scythians: warriors of ancient Siberia".

Welcome to DC’s #DirtyEnergyWeek

The ultimate corporate greenwashing experience starts in DC today when some of America’s dirtiest polluters participate in what is being billed as the “National Clean Energy Week”

BP Greenwashes the Olympics … Again

As BP yet again sponsors different Olympic teams as well as the Paralympics, other athletes ask: “Is it right to steal the future of millions of people”