
Read the latest insights and analysis from the experts at Oil Change International.

Export Development Canada’s new climate targets miss the mark

Export Development Canada (EDC), Canada’s government-backed export credit agency, has long been one of the worst in the world when it comes to backing the fossil fuel industry with public money. Their new climate policy opens the door for meaningful change, but the initial targets are far too weak to get the job done.

More and more businesses call for a post-COVID-19 just recovery plan

More and more companies do not want to go back. They want a just transition moving forward. We have to make sure now that politicians meet rising corporate and political pressure. There can be no Big polluter bailout. Any post-COVID-19 economic recovery plan has to make central a managed transition away from fossil fuels to a cleaner, more sustainable, more just, future.

May 2020 OilWire bulletin: The USD 77 billion per year edition

As governments begin to unveil trillions of dollars in recovery support and stimulus, now is the time to break old habits – such as the USD 77 Billion in public money that the G20 is still spending annually to finance oil, gas, and coal projects.