
Read the latest insights and analysis from the experts at Oil Change International.

US Tops Reserves, But Growth Restricted by “Funding Constraints”

According to a new analysis the US now holds more oil reserves than Saudi Arabia and Russia, the first time this has happened. The crux though will be whether the US shale industry can access the finance to carry on exploiting shale. And that remains to be seen.

A Record Year for Renewables

The renewable revolution is gathering apace according to new research. Last year was an “extraordinary” record year for the sector, with “the largest global capacity additions seen to date.”

Bob Dudley’s $20M Pay Packet is “Reward For Failure”

I want to tell you a story about a man called Bob. Bob runs a large multinational oil company. His company has just recorded its worst ever record loss of $6.5 billion. He has sacked some 7,000 workers, ruining lives and ripping up livelihoods. His company has suffered a torrid, horrible year. His share price fell 13 per cent over the last year. His competitors all did much better.

“Adios Gas-Powered Cars”

“The typical American male devotes more than 1,000 hours a year to his car”, so wrote the Austrian philosopher Ivan Illich way back in 1974.