
Read the latest insights and analysis from the experts at Oil Change International.

Lord Browne: Big Oil Needs to Invest in Renewables or Face Bankruptcy

The man who famously rebranded BP as “Beyond Petroleum” has re-entered the debate over climate and oil by warning that oil companies face bankruptcy if they do not address the risks of global warming.

BP’s “Sunken Cities” Exhibition is “Beyond Parody”

Oh dear, BP. Last week was a lesson in how corporate sponsorship of the arts backfires badly.

How “Bullying” BP is Corrupting Iconic Arts Institutions

We have known for years that Big Oil companies like BP sponsor iconic arts institutions in the UK as a way of greenwashing their image and helping the company with its “social licence to operate”.

“No more false solutions. We don’t have time”

There were two different actions over the last few days in Paris, with the same underlying message: as we enter the so-called business end of the COP21 talks, there can be no more false solutions to climate change.

“Filthy Foxes” Guard the Paris COP Hen House

With less than one week before Paris climate talks, known officially as the 21st Conference of the Parties (COP21), the campaign group Corporate Accountability International has released a report exposing the “filthy” track record of some of the corporations sponsoring the talks.

Boycott BP’s Baku Games

There are two scandals going on in world sport right now: the one you have heard about and the one that you haven’t.

Ghost of Brent Spar Haunts Shell

Twenty years ago the oil giant Shell was embroiled in two separate controversies, which still haunt the company to this day.

Big Oil’s Front Groups Exposed

It has often been called the heart of public relations: but the third party technique is simple – it is putting your words in someone else’s mouth.

Big Coal’s “Fake” Social Media Campaign

As more and more of us search for news and information online, PR companies and their clients are increasingly trying to manipulate what you read.

“I was spied on by BP”

I discovered recently that I was being spied on by BP.