
Read the latest insights and analysis from the experts at Oil Change International.

Climate Leader or Coal Champion? Time for Germany to Decide

A new Oil Change International report shows that, if Germany is truly committed to being a leader in meeting the goals of the Paris Agreement, it must lead the way with a rapid phaseout of fossil fuel production and finance.

Community Responses to FERC’s Terrible Pipeline Approvals

Last Friday, FERC continued it's rubber-stamping ways. Fortunately for pipeline fighters, fights against these two fracked gas pipelines is far from over. Here’s a selection of community voices responding to FERC’s terrible pipeline approvals of Mountain Valley and Atlantic Coast’s certificates.


Acknowledging the obvious fact that our future cannot be fossil fueled begins the game that will only be truly won when our public policies, our laws, our governments, and our social norms fully incorporate this truth.

Less PowerPoint. More Power.

After that paranoid, delusional babble in the Koch-sponsored Rose Garden last week, Trump has united and energized the global climate movement like never before. The critical question is this: How do we build more political power, and how do we win?

100% Renewable Energy Bill – A first foot forward

Today, Sens. Merkley (D-OR) and Sanders (I-VT) launched a bill that takes a huge step toward aligning government policy with what climate science tells us is necessary – a transition to a 100% carbon-free economy, as soon as possible.