
Read the latest insights and analysis from the experts at Oil Change International.

TransCanada’s Big Gamble on Shale Gas

TransCanada, the company that tried in vain to build the hugely controversial Keystone XL pipeline (KXL), which would have transported tar sands oil from Canada to the US, is now betting big on fracking gas instead.

Oil Bottoms Out, But is US Shale Too Wounded to Respond?

Eventually what goes down, must come up. And to the relief of everyone in the oil industry, the global energy watchdog, the International Energy Agency (IEA) believes that there are signs that oil prices "might have bottomed out.”

Huge Methane Spike in US “Coming From Fracking”

One of the main arguments that the pro-frackers put forward about adopting the controversial technology is that it is a clean, secure fuel that can be used to bridge the gap between dirtier fossil fuels and cleaner renewable energy.