
Read the latest insights and analysis from the experts at Oil Change International.

Demand for Dirty Coal in the U.S. Drops to New Low

Try as he might, Trump cannot stop the slow death march of coal towards the history books, in the US, at least. We are shutting down the fossil fuel industry, one coal plant at a time.

A land that burns, a land that cannot breathe

Trump's actions may make Big Oil Executives richer in the short term, but they make all of us poorer in the long-term. In the meantime, the U.S. remains a land on fire, a land that cannot breathe. And a land being led by a fossil fool.

With Deniers in Charge, We Sleep-Walk Past Climate’s “Red Lines”

As the fires rage and Australia warms, it is only natural that Australians are becoming increasingly worried about climate change, droughts and floods. However, rather than recognize our climate emergency, the minister responsible for responding to drought and natural disasters in the country, David Littleproud, is a climate denier. He has said that that he doesn’t “know if climate change is manmade”.