
Read the latest insights and analysis from the experts at Oil Change International.

Risky Business: tar sands investment in a carbon constrained world

When oil prices crashed late last year, the high-cost and capital intensive tar sands sector took a hit. The industry had already been showing signs of weakness with underperforming stocks, project cancellations, and serious concerns about market access. But low oil prices have driven a whole new level of cost cutting and project delays.


Being the generous souls that we are, we thought we’d save the industry a few million dollars and create a website that can generate their requisite KXL talking points for them! We are proud to introduce:!

100 Presidential Words Stop 1000 Miles of KXL…for now

Yesterday, in a moment described as void of “drama or fanfare,” he vetoed legislation which would have forced approval of the controversial Keystone XL pipeline, which would carry dirty tar sands oil Alberta to the Gulf Coast.

IHS’s predictable Keystone study adds nothing new

IHS published today a predictable and hollow attempt to rebut much of our work on Keystone XL’s links to markets beyond North America and the ability of rail to replace the pipeline.

State of the Union 2015: Big Oil’s grip loosens

Aside from providing some entertainment, twitter fodder, and political theater...coming on the eve of the 5th anniversary of the dubious Citizens United Supreme Court decision, last night’s State of the Union speech showed us a few important things when it comes to climate and Washington, DC.

Just Say No to KXL, Mr President

As Americans listen to their President tonight give his sixth annual State of the Union address, many people will be eagerly awaiting to see if he says anything about what has become one of the biggest political headaches of his Administration: the controversial Keystone XL (KXL) pipeline which will transport dirty tar sands from Canada to the US.