
Read the latest insights and analysis from the experts at Oil Change International.

Big Oil Threatens Maine City After Tar Sands Export Ban

Big Oil has always been a bad, bad loser. And it is therefore no surprise that it has threatened to sue a small coastal city in Maine which on Monday night struck an historical blow against the industry by banning the export of tar sands from its harbour.

The Pipeline that Will Never be Built

And so the battle lines have been drawn. On the one hand you have Canada’s federal government, ever eager to please Big Oil, which has just agreed to let Enbridge build its highly controversial $8 billion Northern Gateway pipeline from the toxic tar sands of Alberta to the rugged coast of British Colombia.

The heart of a mountain lain on its side – Blacksburg, Virginia

Mika Minio-Paluello, Anna Galkina and James Marriott are travelling in North America as part of a tour over September and October to promote The Oil Road – Journeys from the Caspian to the City of London. This is the second of a series of blogs on the journey.

KXL’s Outdated Oil Spill Technology

TransCanada has no plans to use cutting edge anti-pollution technology on the KXL, despite 12 spills on the Southern leg of the pipeline.