
Read the latest insights and analysis from the experts at Oil Change International.

Subsidy Spotlight: Utah Land Defenders Stand Up To Dirty Politics

New technologies like fracking––along with government subsidies––have ushered in an energy boom reliant on extreme extraction methods to produce oil and natural gas. Now the Uinta Basin is ground zero for what threatens to become the next phase in extreme energy extraction: strip mining for tar sands and oil shale.

Obama Bans Drilling in Bristol Bay

As if the plummeting oil price was not bad enough, there was more bad news for the oil industry yesterday after President Obama signed a Presidential memorandum to protect the vast Bristol Bay in Alaska from future oil and gas drilling.

Oil Industry in Crisis as $1Tn Investment at Risk

And so the free-fall continues. The price of Brent crude has fallen this morning below $60 a barrel for the first time since July 2009. The price of US crude is below $55.

Fracking: Now They Want You to Pay

Not content with polluting our air and water and causing immeasurable harm to both the environment and health, the fracking industry has now come up with a novel idea: the consumer should pay for the polluting process as well.

Bank of America: $50 A Barrel on Its Way

The US shale industry faces a Darwinian struggle over the next few months as only the fittest producers will survive as the price of crude plunges to $50 a barrel, the Bank of America has warned.

Banks “Circling” Tar Sands Debt

The message from the markets for the North American oil industry is summed up in four simple words by the Financial Times today: “No respite for oil.”

Dirty Energy Money Fuels Fight Against Climate

Many people concerned about climate change may be focussed on the ongoing UN climate negotiations in Lima, but back home in the US it is business as usual for the oil and gas industry: they are secretly lobbying to delay action on climate and undermine America’s environmental protection laws.

Fracking Affects Babies and Adult Fertility and Fecundity

A new peer-reviewed scientific paper, published today in Reviews on Environmental Health, adds to the growing evidence of harm from fracking, especially to women and young children. But men also should be worried too.

Banks Face “Dire Scenario” Over Fracking Finance

For years, the oil industry and its powerful friends in Congress talked of a shale gas utopia where fracking would lead to energy independence in for US.