
Read the latest insights and analysis from the experts at Oil Change International.

What Climate Crisis? Sales of SUVs Booming in Europe

If you thought that growing awareness about climate change, coupled with years of austerity and recession, would mean that European drivers would be buying small fuel efficient cars, you would be wrong.

BP Out of Touch on Climate and Clean Energy Technology

How BP's Outlook for Energy looks to the past not the future

British Frackers Face Mounting Opposition

It could all be over before it even began. The boom could turn to bust before a well is even drilled. The British fracking industry now faces growing resistance from numerous influential voices.

Just Say No to KXL, Mr President

As Americans listen to their President tonight give his sixth annual State of the Union address, many people will be eagerly awaiting to see if he says anything about what has become one of the biggest political headaches of his Administration: the controversial Keystone XL (KXL) pipeline which will transport dirty tar sands from Canada to the US.

KXL Dismissed as “White Elephant” as Senate Vote Looms

Later today the Senate floor is expected to vote on the controversial Keystone XL pipeline, although currently Senators do not have enough votes to override Obama’s promised presidential veto on the issue.

KXL is “like two bald men fighting over a comb”

As the political squabbling over Keystone XL continues to dominate the political landscape in Washington, yesterday the Senate energy committee voted 13-9 in favour of a bill that would force construction of the controversial pipeline.