
Read the latest insights and analysis from the experts at Oil Change International.

Oh Exxon … The Irony

For twenty five years there has been one company that beyond all others has tried to undermine the UN Climate talks. For those twenty five years it has obfuscated the truth about climate by pouring millions into the funding of a network of climate sceptic and denial think tanks and politicians.

Mapping the Climate Sceptics’ “Ecosystem of Influence”

One of the most detailed studies of climate denial has concluded what many researchers have long known - that funding by the fossil fuel industry created a corrosive “ecosystem of influence” on both the content and language of the climate debate, especially in the US.

Beware of Exxon’s Friends in the Media

As I pointed out last week, one of the ground-breaking developments in the lead up to the Paris climate talks later this month has been the announcement by the New York Attorney’s office that it was investigating Exxon for misleading the public and shareholders about climate change.

Two Significant Steps Forward; One Step Back Towards Paris

To start with one huge, massive, significant step forward. Victories do not come sweeter than this. After years of campaigning by millions of people from grass-roots activists, First Nations, farmers and ranchers to environmental groups such as Oil Change International, Sierra Club, and many others, President Obama announced on Friday that the controversial Keystone XL (KXL) pipeline is dead.

Half of Americans Still in Climate Denial

Last week the polling company, Ipsos-Mori, published its first ever Global Trends Report, which examined our attitudes to a whole host of topics such as technology, privacy, marriage, migration, health, globalisation, inequality, science and the environment.

Leading Climate Sceptic Vying to be UKIP’s First MP

Roger Helmer who is standing to become the first ever MP for the United Kingdom Independence Party is a long-standing climate denier with deep ties to leading climate sceptic organisations in the US, such as ALEC, the Competitive Enterprise Institute and Heartland Institute.

IPCC: Humans are Causing Climate Change

The most authoritative report on climate change ever compiled, the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), is set to be published this week. Expect a massive backlash from sceptics and deniers.