
Read the latest insights and analysis from the experts at Oil Change International.

“Keystone XL is a death warrant for our people”

Under a clear-blue spring sky, thousands of people joined ranchers and First Nations leaders from the Cowboy and Indian Alliance for a ceremonial procession along the National Mall in Washington DC to protest against the controversial Keystone XL pipeline on Saturday.

Cowboys and Indians Unite Against the KXL

It was not a normal day in DC. But then it was Earth Day. But even for a day that celebrates our relationship with our fragile planet, this was something special. It was unique.

KXL: “Reject and Protect” Protest Begins

This week a unique gathering will take place in Washington which people are urged to participate in to show their opposition to the controversial Keystone XL pipeline.

Crude by Rail Spills Increased 10 Times from 2008-2013

An analysis of oil spilled in the transportation process by Oil Change International using data from the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration Office reveals that the number of spills from crude by rail increased by almost 10 times from 2008-2013.

Did the State Department Manipulate Facts to Support Keystone XL?

An in-depth analysis released earlier this week by the Carbon Tracker Initiative suggests that the authors of the State Department’s Final Supplementary Environmental Impact Statement (FSEIS) for the Keystone XL pipeline even more severely underestimate the climate impact of the pipeline than initial criticisms suggest.

Hundreds of Students Arrested in “XL Dissent” Action

Yesterday, several hundred students from over 80 colleges across the United States were arrested outside the White House as they took part in “XL Dissent” - a major demonstration against the controversial Keystone XL pipeline.

Climate change is “world’s largest weapon of mass destruction”

For once the words of a politician were extremely bold and clear. The warning was brutally stark. In a keynote speech on climate change in Indonesia, Secretary of State, John Kerry, likened global warming to a weapon of mass destruction and dismissed climate sceptics as members of the “Flat Earth Society”.