
Read the latest insights and analysis from the experts at Oil Change International.

As Trump Drills the Swamp for Oil; Clean Tech Gathers A Pace

In the post-truth reality of a post-Trump election victory, one thing is blindingly obvious: Rather than draining the swamp as he repeatedly promised, Trump is going to fill it will his climate-denying cronies, many of whom are very rich privileged, predominantly white men, who are either intricate to the oil industry or have links to Big Oil.

An Unprecedented War Against the Greens

The news from over the weekend that President-elect Donald Trump is expected to nominate Rex Tillerson, the chairman and chief executive of Exxon, the world’s largest private oil company as Secretary of State, is a clear sign that we face an unprecedented battle against the environmental movement in the years to come.

800 Experts Issue 6 Point Climate Plan to Denier Trump

The news this week that President-elect Trump had met ex-Vice President Al Gore to discuss climate change had some of the mainstream media speculating that this might mean that the climate denying, oil-loving, conspiracy-peddling President-to-be might be changing his view on global warming.

Meet Donald the Climate Clown

Later today in Stockholm, a conference organised by the business group, the International Chamber of Commerce, examines “Bridging the Climate Change Policy Gap.”

Donald Trump: Climate Change Hypocrite

There have been many words written about Donald Trump since his Presidential victory, but one we must add to the list is: hypocrite.