
Read the latest insights and analysis from the experts at Oil Change International.

How many explosions before we stop crude-by-rail?

This past Saturday, it happened again. A train carrying highly volatile crude oil, in this case tar sands crude from Alberta, derailed in Ontario and caught fire, destroying a bridge in the blaze. This is the fourth time in as many weeks an oil train has derailed and caught fire or exploded.

Department of Energy data shows Keystone XL is an export pipeline

New data from the EIA shows that the President was right to call Keystone XL an export pipeline.

Canadian Government “Concerned” After 2nd Tar Sands Train Explodes

The Canadian press and politicians are waking up to the fact that transporting tar sands by rail is as dangerous as Bakken.

North African Fracking Protests “Making Political Waves”

The wave of anti-fracking protests sweeping the globe have now spread as far as North Africa.

Not so fast, Shell

Florida Officials Banned From Using the Term “Climate Change”

In a deeply worrying and cynical move, officials in Florida working in the Department of Environmental Protection have been banned from using terms such as “climate change” or “global warming”.

FBI Accused of “Silencing” Grassroots Activism

Yesterday, the Republican-backed Senate tried and failed to overcome the Presidential veto on the controversial Keystone XL pipeline.


Being the generous souls that we are, we thought we’d save the industry a few million dollars and create a website that can generate their requisite KXL talking points for them! We are proud to introduce:!

What Climate Crisis? Sales of SUVs Booming in Europe

If you thought that growing awareness about climate change, coupled with years of austerity and recession, would mean that European drivers would be buying small fuel efficient cars, you would be wrong.

Transporting Tar Sands “As Dangerous” As Shale Oil

There is growing evidence that transporting tar sands oil maybe as inherently dangerous as carrying the volatile Bakken shale oil.