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The struggle continues: Please show compassion for the widows of the Ogoni 9

A Go Fund Me page has been created to help the widows of four Ogoni whose husbands were murdered by the Nigerian military back in 1995, along with the writer Ken Saro-Wiwa. The widows finally gave up their decades-long legal struggle against Shell last year and are in desperate financial straits. Please help them.

Global outrage as oil executive named head of UN climate talks

There is universal condemnation today on the breaking news that the United Arab Emirates has appointed a veteran oil industry insider to preside over the upcoming UN climate talks that will happen later this year in Dubai. "By appointing an oil sultan as COP28 President, the UAE takes the prize for global trust breaker in a climate crisis.”

COP27: Civil Society says “Don’t Gas Africa” and calls for an end of colonial fossil fuel extraction

At a series of events today at the COP27 climate talks, speaker after speaker warned against the Dash for Gas in Africa. One speaker, Mohamed Adow, from PowerShiftAfrica, said: “Africa sits at a crossroads & there is a fight to decide its energy & development future playing out at #COP27. A cabal of fossil fuel companies supported by foreign nations are trying to push Africa into a fossil fuel led development future. We say to them Don’t Gas Africa.”