
Read the latest insights and analysis from the experts at Oil Change International.

“Bare-Knuckle” Exxon Countersues in #ExxonKnew Scandal

In a classic counter-punch move designed to scare off those trying to hold Big Oil accountable for its actions, Exxon has started suing the lawyers who are themselves suing the company over the #Exxonknew scandal - for misleading the public and investors over the risk of climate change.

Campaign to Stop Climate Denier, Jim Bridenstine, From Running NASA Gathers Momentum

After the White House was forced to withdraw the nomination of climate skeptic, Kathleen Hartnett White, to become the chair of the Council on Environmental Quality, pressure is now growing on Trump to withdraw the nomination of another climate denier, Jim Bridenstine, from becoming the administrator of NASA.

As Trump Promotes “America First” in Davos, Not Everyone Agrees

With a swagger and a wave, the US President Donald Trump has arrived at the World Economic Forum in Davos and is expected to push his "America First" agenda later today, in a self-congratulatory speech.

One Year of Trump

One year into Donald Trump’s presidency and the chaotic vortex is as dysfunctional as ever.

As Trump’s Climate Denial Continues, Experts Take Flight to France

"The impact of Trump on climate science has been far greater than what the public believe it has.”

Trump: Climate Change is not a National Security Issue

Donald Trump will cap his ongoing assault on climate change this year by dropping the issue from a list of global threats in his 70-page National Security Strategy (NSS), to be unveiled later today.

Climate Deniers, Koch Brothers, Help Buy Time Magazine

Time Magazine "once a soldier for truth" has "fallen casualty to the forces of greed and deception."

Report Outlines Further Evidence to “Hold Big Oil Accountable for Climate Crisis”

A new report released yesterday synthesizes years of research and concludes that the major carbon producers could and should be held accountable for "climate chaos".

COP23: Trump’s “Clean Fossil Fuels” Panel Dismissed as “Promoting Tobacco at a Cancer Summit”

Donald Trump’s attempts to promote so called "false solutions" at the UN climate conference in Bonn backfired badly yesterday, with Michael Bloomberg, the former mayor of New York, arguing that “promoting coal at a climate summit is like promoting tobacco at a cancer summit.”

“Final Nail in Coffin” For Clovis After “Serious Concerns” Raised by Russian Revelations

"Emerging evidence of Clovis’ potential involvement with the Trump campaign’s Russian connections should be the final nail in the coffin for his confirmation"