
Read the latest insights and analysis from the experts at Oil Change International.

Sleep-Walking into “Mass Extinction”

"If we push the Earth system too far, then it takes over and determines its own response—past that point there will be little we can do about it."

Trump touts “environmental leadership” as extreme weather hits DC

Trump's talk is entitled “America’s Environmental Leadership”, despite the fact that his Administration has pulled the U.S. out of the Paris Agreement, denies the climate crisis, promotes fossil fuels at all costs, and is gutting dozens upon dozens of environmental regulations.

G20: Tens of Thousands Tell Shinzo Abe to #StopFundingCoal

To coincide with the G20 summit last week, thousands of activists from around the world - in Japan, Indonesia, India, the Philippines, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Australia, the US - mobilized to protest against Japan’s continued financing of dirty coal.

UN expert warns of the coming “Climate Apartheid”

The warning could not be more stark. As the world warms, we face a “climate apartheid,” where the rich "escape overheating, hunger, and conflict" in an increasingly small geographical area, whilst the rest of us are “left to suffer."