
Oil Change International publishes upwards of 20 reports and briefings every year focused on supporting the movement for a just phase-out of fossil fuels.

Japan’s Dirty Secret: World’s top fossil fuel financier is fueling climate chaos and undermining energy security

This briefing, "Japan's Dirty Secret: World's top fossil fuel financier is fueling climate chaos and undermining energy security," reveals that Japan is the world’s largest public financier of fossil fuel projects, providing 10.6 billion USD per year between 2019 and 2021. Japan has been leading the drive to expand gas consumption in Asia and is the world’s leading financier of gas infrastructure globally, spending USD 6.7 billion on gas projects on average each year between 2019 and 2021.

Doubling Back and Doubling Down: G20 Scorecard on Fossil Fuel Funding

In this new report we consider recovery commitments and pre-pandemic policies to rank G20 countries' progress in phasing out support to fossil fuels. We find at least USD 584 billion per year between 2017 and 2019 in public support for fossil fuels from G20 governments. 

Still Digging: G20 Governments Continue to Finance the Climate Crisis

This report reveals G20 countries have provided at least $77 billion a year in public finance to oil, gas and coal projects since the Paris Agreement through their international public finance institutions. This government-backed support to fossil fuels from export credit agencies, development finance institutions, and multilateral development banks is more than three times what they are providing to clean energy

G20 Coal Subsidies: Tracking Government Support to a Fading Industry

G20 governments continue to provide billions of dollars for the production and consumption of fossil fuels. This report finds that they provide at least USD $63.9 billion per year in government support to the production and consumption of coal alone, with almost three-quarters of the support identified being directed to coal-fired power production.

Talk is Cheap: How G20 Governments are Financing Climate Disaster

Each year, G20 countries provide nearly four times more public finance to fossil fuels than to clean energy. In total, public fossil fuel financing from G20 countries averaged some $71.8 billion per year, for a total of $215.3 billion in sweetheart deals for oil, gas, and coal over the 2013-2015 timeframe covered by the report. Fifty percent of all G20 public finance for energy supported oil and gas production alone.

Empty promises: G20 subsidies to oil, gas and coal production

G20 country governments are providing $444 billion a year in subsidies for the production of fossil fuels. These governments are propping up the production of oil, gas and coal, most of which can never be used if the world is to avoid dangerous climate change, and undermining national climate commitments.