
Oil Change International publishes upwards of 20 reports and briefings every year focused on supporting the movement for a just phase-out of fossil fuels.

Burning the Gas ‘Bridge Fuel’ Myth

This analysis provides five clear reasons why fossil gas is not a "bridge fuel.” It shows that even with zero methane leakage, gas is not a climate change solution.

Sign-on Letter: Oppose Expanding the 45Q Tax Credit for Oil, Gas and Coal Companies

Organizations from frontline communities - where Americans that are most impacted by climate change and the fossil fuel industry live - and organizations working in solidarity with them, are urging lawmakers to reject the FUTURE Act (S.1535) and the Carbon Capture Act (H.R.1379) - and to oppose its inclusion in a tax policy package.

Sign-on Letter: No Subsidies for Enhanced Oil Production

More than 30 environmental, public health, consumer, and climate groups delivered a letter to members of Congress in opposition to the FUTURE Act (S.1535) and Carbon Capture Act (H.R.3761) - and any attempts in a tax policy package to extend or expand subsidies for enhanced oil production.

Funding Tar Sands: Private Banks vs. the Paris Climate Agreement

According to a new report released today by Rainforest Action Network, Oil Change International, and 10 organizations from around the world, commercial banks continue to finance the tar sands sector at levels that do not align with the Paris Agreement 1.5° to 2° target – and finance levels are surging in 2017.

What’s the plan?

The question now becomes: What does the path from here to zero carbon look like? Is it ambitious enough to avoid locking in emissions that we can’t afford? Is it intentional enough to protect workers and communities that depend on the carbon-based economy that has gotten us this far? Is it equitable enough to recognize that some countries must move further, faster? And is it honest enough about the reality that a decline of fossil fuels is actually a good thing?