
Oil Change International publishes upwards of 20 reports and briefings every year focused on supporting the movement for a just phase-out of fossil fuels.

Briefing: Canada Not Running Out of Pipeline Capacity

Canada does not need new pipelines, in spite of repeated misleading claims by the oil industry. That’s the conclusion of a new Oil Change International (OCI) analysis showing that Canada has ample pipeline Capacity to export all existing and under construction oil production to market from western Canada.

Fact Sheet: Fossil Free Finance at The World Bank

If the world is going to meet the goals of the Paris Agreement on climate change, international financial institutions—including the World Bank—must do their part. The World Bank has made commitments to fight against climate change but continues to finance fossil fuel exploration, production, and combustion—the primary drivers of climate change.

Shorting the Climate: Fossil Fuel Finance Report Card 2016

In the past three years, the North American and European commercial and investment banking sector has engaged in fossil fuel financing practices that are deeply at odds with the global climate agreement reached at COP 21 last December.

World Bank Group Funds Fossil Fuel Exploration

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The World Bank Group continues to invest in exploration for new fossil fuel reserves despite clear signs that we already have far more fossil fuels than we can afford to burn, and over the last five years, the World Bank Group’s total fossil fuel finance has trended upwards, with finance into the billions of dollars nearly every year.