
Oil Change International publishes upwards of 20 reports and briefings every year focused on supporting the movement for a just phase-out of fossil fuels.

Locked Out of a Just Transition: Fossil Fuel Financing in Africa

Between 2016, following the adoption of the Paris Climate Agreement, and June 2021, public and private financial institutions poured at least $132 billion in lending and underwriting into 964 gas, oil and coal projects in West, East, Central and Southern Africa. The vast majority of this finance came from financial institutions based outside Africa, both commercial banks and public institutions such as development banks and Export Credit Agencies.

Asia Gas Factsheet #2: Gas Is A Bad Deal For Asia

Asia is one of the few remaining growth markets for gas. The fossil fuel industry and its proponents are pushing to develop $379 billion of gas terminals, pipelines and power plants in Asia over the next decade. Roughly three-quarters of all Liquified Natural Gas (LNG) import terminals in development globally are planned for Asia. This aggressive buildout ignores a simple truth.

Asia Gas Factsheet #1: The Climate Case Against Gas Expansion

This impending buildout of new gas infrastructure poses one of the greatest threats to meeting the goals of the Paris Agreement. Instead of forming a bridge — as gas proponents claim — gas expansion builds a wall against the clean energy future we need.

Unused Tools: How Central Banks Are Fueling the Climate Crisis

There is growing recognition that central banks must act to confront the climate crisis. They have the tools to catalyze and accelerate the end of financing for fossil fuels – through monetary policy, regulatory action, and excluding fossil fuel assets from their own portfolios. But, with only limited exceptions, they are not using these tools. This report identifies 10 criteria for assessing central banks against the Paris Agreement’s objective, and applies them to assess 12 major central banks.

Letter: CSOs call on G7 to Stop Pushing Fossil Fuels and Invest in Clean Energy

In advance of this year's G7 Summit, 353 organizations from 58 countries have signed a letter calling on G7 leaders to stop financing fossil fuels; cancel debt payments in global South countries grappling with COVID-19 and climate impacts, and pay their fair share of climate finance to global South countries for climate adaptation among other demands.

Shifting G7 Fossil Fuel Finance to Clean Energy

At this year's G7 meeting countries are discussing how to "build back better" towards a "greener, more prosperous future." This factsheet explains the current state of G7 finance for fossil fuels and why it needs to shift to clean energy.