
Oil Change International publishes upwards of 20 reports and briefings every year focused on supporting the movement for a just phase-out of fossil fuels.

A Giant Step Backward: Carbon Impact of the Line 3 Pipeline

As Minnesota decides whether to let the crude oil pipeline cross its cleanest waters, a new report finds that greenhouse gas emissions from Canadian oil company Enbridge's proposed Line 3 expansion would vastly outweigh planned reductions in the state's emissions.

Briefing: Carbon Impacts of Reinstating the U.S. Crude Export Ban

The next president and Congress should reinstate the crude export ban in tandem with policies to ensure a just and equitable transition away from fossil fuels. A reimplementation of the ban would therefore require an ambitious and well-funded energy policy to prioritize justice and equity for workers and frontline and Indigenous communities in the necessary transition away from fossil fuels.

Risky Wager: The IEA’s Bet on Fossil Gas and the Need for WEO Reform

The latest climate science and rapidly changing energy markets indicate the need to rapidly shift away from fossil gas, yet the IEA mistakenly presents gas as compatible with a decarbonized future. This policy brief brings together the latest energy market research with the need for reform of the World Energy Outlook.

Briefing: Atlantic Coast Pipeline – Risk Upon Risk

The ACP is facing a triple threat of challenges that combine to present serious obstacles for the project to reach completion, which are are likely to further delay construction and raise the project’s price tag even higher. It would be prudent for investors to question whether pursuing the project further is a wise use of capital.