
Oil Change International publishes upwards of 20 reports and briefings every year focused on supporting the movement for a just phase-out of fossil fuels.

Briefing: Atlantic Coast Pipeline – Risk Upon Risk

The ACP is facing a triple threat of challenges that combine to present serious obstacles for the project to reach completion, which are are likely to further delay construction and raise the project’s price tag even higher. It would be prudent for investors to question whether pursuing the project further is a wise use of capital.

Banking on Climate Change 2019: Fossil Fuel Finance Report Card

This 10th annual "Banking on Climate Change" fossil fuel finance report card reveals that overall bank financing continues to be aligned with climate disaster, and that financing for fossil fuels has increased every year since the Paris Agreement was signed.

Gas Is Not a Bridge Fuel: Why Ireland’s Climate Goals Cannot Be Met with More Gas

Ireland is on course to miss both its short-term climate commitments within EU legislation, and its long-term target of reducing greenhouse gas emissions from the energy sector by between 80 and 95 percent by 2050. Expanded gas extraction will only make it more difficult to achieve these goals, and must be avoided in order to achieve a safe climate future.

Banking on Climate Change: Fossil Fuel Finance Report Card 2018

This ninth annual fossil fuel finance report card grades banks on their policy commitments regarding extreme fossil fuel financing and calculates their financing for these fuels from 2015 to 2017. The report also assesses the shortcomings of the Equator Principles for ensuring banks respect human rights, and Indigenous rights in particular.

Jordan Cove LNG and Pacific Connector Pipeline Greenhouse Gas Emissions

The proposed Jordan Cove LNG export terminal and Pacific Connector pipeline would be a substantial source of climate pollution for decades to come. This briefing provides an estimate of the project lifecycle emissions and provides the climate rational for rejecting the proposed project.

Burning the Gas ‘Bridge Fuel’ Myth

This analysis provides five clear reasons why fossil gas is not a "bridge fuel.” It shows that even with zero methane leakage, gas is not a climate change solution.