Press Room

Oil Change International is a research, communication, and advocacy organization focused on exposing the true costs of fossil fuels and facilitating a just transition to clean energy. For media inquiries, please contact: Valentina Stackl at

Oil drilling ban in Lofoten sets precedent for high-income, fossil fuel producing countries to manage their decline of fossil fuel production

This weekend, The People's Action for an Oil-Free Lofoten, Vesterålen, and Senja, Folkeaksjonen, is closing the chapter on a successful decades’ long campaign to protect the area’s waters from oil drilling. The victory is a first step for Norway and other wealthy fossil fuel producers around the world that must lead in ending all new fossil fuel development and manage a decline of existing production.

Biden administration halts involvement in “certified” methane gas standards, reversal highlights greenwashing risks of gas certification schemes

The Department of Energy has declined to endorse a standard for “certified” or “responsibly sourced” methane gas following pressure from a large coalition of climate and environmental justice organizations. Last week Gas Leaks, Earthworks and Oil Change International launched the Certified Disasters campaign and sent a letter signed by 148 organizations demanding the agency halt its involvement in certification schemes, which are being used to market methane gas as “clean” and justify the construction of gas export facilities, pipelines, power plants and gas-dependent buildings.