Press Room

Oil Change International is a research, communication, and advocacy organization focused on exposing the true costs of fossil fuels and facilitating a just transition to clean energy. For media inquiries, please contact: Valentina Stackl at

Over 500 Groups Urge Biden to Order Fossil Fuel Leasing Ban

Over 500 climate, conservation, Indigenous, religious and business groups sent President-elect Joe Biden text for a proposed executive order to ban new fossil fuel leasing and permitting on federal public lands and waters.

UK announces end to overseas fossil fuel finance, now other governments must follow suit

The United Kingdom’s prime minister, Boris Johnson, will commit to end the UK’s overseas fossil fuel financing “as soon as possible” at the Climate Ambition Summit. The phase-out of oil, gas, and coal financing applies to aid funding, trade promotion and export finance provided by UK Export Finance (UKEF), the institution that has come under scrutiny for its USD 1 billion investment in a controversial LNG project in Mozambique and for considering to finance the equally controversial East African Oil Pipeline.

Day of Action Against Financing of Keystone XL, Line 3 Pipelines

Today across the nation, activists in 60 cities and 25 states plan to utilize COVID-safe and creative ways to deliver letters calling on major banks to distance themselves from the funding of the toxic Keystone XL and Enbridge’s Line 3 tar sands pipelines.

New Analysis Establishes U.S. Fair Share Contribution to Paris Agreement

With the expected re-entry of the United States into the Paris Climate Agreement, the Biden administration is required to update the U.S. pledge for 2025 by formally submitting a 2030 pledge towards the global effort. To inform this contribution, U.S. Climate Action Network released an analysis of “fair share” country contributions with a particular focus on the United States.