Press Room

Oil Change International is a research, communication, and advocacy organization focused on exposing the true costs of fossil fuels and facilitating a just transition to clean energy. For media inquiries, please contact: Valentina Stackl at

Briefing: Overseas players should not dominate distributed renewable energy sector in Africa

A new briefing released by Oil Change International details how the growth of distributed renewable energy in Africa has so far failed to include locally-owned companies and initiatives. The sector has been growing rapidly since 2013 — especially for companies focused on “pay-as-you-go” solar home systems — but finance has overwhelmingly only been accessible for multinational companies that are based in Europe or North America or led by entrepreneurs from these regions, meaning profits are largely not remaining in Africa.

Report: The Netherlands fails to meet 2020 deadline for ending fossil fuel subsidies

Amidst a climate crisis and global pandemic, a new analysis from Friends of the Earth Netherlands and Oil Change International reveals that the Dutch government continues to provide billions — at least €8.3 billion per year — in taxpayer backed support for the production and use of fossil fuels. By ending fossil fuel subsidies, the Netherlands could free up resources to invest in a just and green recovery from COVID-19, whilst reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 7.7% by 2025.

Oil Change International Response to Atlantic Coast Pipeline Cancellation

ACP’s cancellation is the exception that proves the rule. The truth is that fossil fuel companies have worked with federal agencies to permit dozens of projects across the U.S. by ignoring and circumventing laws that protect communities and natural resources and placing corporate profits above all else.

Oil Change International Response to IEA Sustainable Recovery Report

In response to the new report released today by the International Energy Agency (IEA), experts at Oil Change International have issued the following statement: "The IEA again misses the mark where it matters the most, completely ignoring the link between sustainable recovery and staying within 1.5°C of warming. Nowhere in the report is there mention of the critical 1.5-degree warming limit, let alone analysis of what’s needed for a recovery plan to be fully aligned with it."

Sortie de crise: L’Agence internationale de l’Énergie échoue de nouveau à planifier la nécessaire sortie des énergies fossiles

L’AIE publie aujourd’hui une édition spéciale de son rapport World Energy Outlook dédié aux mesures de soutien aux énergies propres dans le contexte des plans de relance post-COVID. Et pourtant, loin de marquer une rupture avec les modèles préexistants, le rapport s’obstine à ménage toutes les formes d’énergie et fait l’impasse sur la nécessaire sortie des hydrocarbures. Oil Change International et Reclaim Finance dénoncent cet énième rapport inepte pour guider les choix des décideurs politiques et financiers en matière de transition énergétique et appellent ces derniers à la plus grande prudence quant à ses conclusions.