Press Room

Oil Change International is a research, communication, and advocacy organization focused on exposing the true costs of fossil fuels and facilitating a just transition to clean energy. For media inquiries, please contact: Valentina Stackl at

Oil Change International Experts Comment on Oil Market Volatility

As COVID-19 becomes an official pandemic and oil prices plunge amidst a global price war, questions are emerging regarding the impact of these developments on climate and energy policy. Oil Change International experts offer statements and are available for further comment.

Report: New Mexico’s Oil and Gas Boom Undermines the State’s Climate Goals

A new report released today by Oil Change International and partners finds that New Mexico’s projected oil and gas production is entirely out of sync with the action necessary to prevent catastrophic climate change. The report analyzes the full climate impact of New Mexico’s oil and gas extraction, and finds that the state’s goals of reducing emissions will be completely undermined by continued expansion of oil and gas.